The Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (I2MC) develops research to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in common chronic non-communicable diseases: obesity, diabetes, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and diseases of the vessels, heart and kidney.


The Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (I2MC) was created in 2011 from the merger of pre-existing research units located near the clinical services of the Toulouse Rangueil University Hospital. The I2MC has been renewed in 2021 for a 6-year term by Inserm and the University Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (UMR 1297). The I2MC is composed of 11 research teams and 7 technological platforms for a total staff of 280 people. Scientists and clinicians work on metabolic risk factors (obesity, diabetes and dyslipidemia) and their cardiovascular complications (vascular diseases, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, heart and kidney failure). The I2MC has recognized expertise in cell biology, mouse models and clinical work supported by skills in lipidomics, genomics, proteomics, animal phenotyping and cellular imaging. The I2MC is at the center of a very active network of local, national and international collaborations. The I2MC offers opportunities to work on major chronic diseases in human health in the highly appreciated environment of Toulouse.









publications per year

technological platforms

Parent institutions and partners

Main financial supporters

management team

Trained as a veterinarian, Dominique Langin obtained a Master’s degree and a PhD in France before doing a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Lund in Sweden and embarking on a scientific career at the CNRS and Inserm. He is currently a University Professor – Hospital Practitioner at the University Hospital of Toulouse and at the University Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier. His research combines cellular, animal and human studies. He has participated in national and European research projects and obtained a Synergy grant from the European Research Council in 2020. He has dedicated his scientific career to the study of the biology of adipose tissue, obesity and diabetes with a particular focus on fatty acid metabolism. He has received several awards including the Friedrich Wassermann Life Time Achievement Award from the European Association for the Study of Obesity in 2011 and the Labbé Prize from the French Academy of Sciences in 2019. In 2021, he was named a member of the “Institut Universitaire de France“.
Dominique LANGIN

Director of the Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (I2MC)


Deputy Director


Administrative Director


Project Manager


Project Manager


Project Manager

L’organisation de l’I2MC

Research teams

Technological platforms

Administration and support services

Laboratory Council

Scientific advisory board

An independent Strategic Scientific Committee (SAB), composed of experts in the Institute’s scientific fields, both French and foreign, is appointed by the Director of the I2MC. Its objective is to examine the Institute’s strategies, its organization and that of its teams in order to prepare and optimize each evaluation by the national supervisory authorities. The SAB advises the director and the team leaders in order to improve the organization of the Institute and its scientific production.


DISEASES explained

Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes is a long-term excess of glucose concentration in the blood (hyperglycemia). In the case of type 2 diabetes, this is caused by a disturbance of the carbohydrate metabolism. Even if it appears gradually and insidiously, the disease has serious consequences, even fatal, in the long term.


Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. CVDs are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels and include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, rheumatic heart disease and other conditions.

Kidney disease

Kidney failure is the result of the slow evolution of the disease that leads to the destruction of the kidneys. It affects more than 82,000 people in France and requires dialysis or transplantation. In 50% of cases, chronic kidney diseases are the consequence of diabetes or high blood pressure.


Obesity is an excess of body fat and a change in adipose tissue, which can lead to health problems and shorten life expectancy. Its causes are complex. It results from the interplay of several factors – dietary, genetic, epigenetic and environmental – involved in the development and progression of this chronic disease.


Non-profit and patient associations


A.F.E.R.O is the French Association for Study and Research on Obesity. Its aim is to promote scientific exchanges, the dissemination of knowledge and training in the field of biomedical research on obesity. The AFERO can be considered as the learned society of Obesity in France.


French-speaking Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation

The mission of the SFNDT is to support the development of nephrology in all its fields, from clinical nephrology to dialysis and renal transplantation, as well as in all dimensions of care, basic research, epidemiological and clinical advances, and education.


French Federation of Cardiology

Created in 1964, the French Federation of Cardiology is an association recognized as being of public utility since 1977. A collective vocation mobilized to reduce cardiovascular diseases.



Séminaire technologique Leica 17 septembre 11h

Dans le cadre d’une réflexion sur l’avenir de nos systèmes confocaux sur le plateau d’imagerie de l’I2MC, et en particulier du LSM 780, la société Leica viendra nous présenter ses derniers systèmes de microscopes confocaux et super résolution lors d’un séminaire...

Séminaire de prestige

Dr. Bruno GOUD le 24 septembre à 11h

GenoToul – Fond ReactEU

Europe provides resources for research Thanks to European funding, the GENOTOUL scientific consortium has been able to acquire cutting-edge equipment that will help advance research in the healthcare field. The I2MC has benefited from this funding for the acquisition...

InScience 2024

From May 27 to june 9  the 4th edition of InScience, the Inserm festival on the theme of health and medical research, will take place. During these two weeks, podcasts, virtual reality games, exhibitions, comic strips, meetings with researchers... will follow one...

Publication d’un article de l’équipe LIPSIPLAT (PAYRASTRE / SEVERIN) dans PNAS

MTM1-mediated production of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate fuels the formation of podosome-like protrusions regulating myoblast fusion Myoblast fusion into multinuclear myotubes is a critical cellular process for the formation of skeletal muscle fibers. However, the...

Publication d’un article de l’équipe LYMPHACTOR (Garmy-Susini) dans Embo Molecular Medicine

Apelin-VEGF-C mRNA delivery as therapeutic for the treatment of secondary lymphedema Secondary lymphedema (LD) corresponds to a severe lymphatic dysfunction leading to the accumulation of fluid and fibrotic adipose tissue in a limb. Here, we identified apelin (APLN)...

Publication d’un article de l’équipe LYMPHACTOR (Garmy-Susini) dans Nature Communications

15-Lipoxygenase promotes resolution of inflammation in lymphedema by controlling Treg cell function through IFN-β Lymphedema (LD) is characterized by the accumulation of interstitial fluid, lipids and inflammatory cell infiltrate in the limb. Here, we find that LD...

Journées internationales des femmes et filles de sciences

Sonia SÉVERIN, co-responsable de l'équipe LIPSIPLAT et chercheuse anime une soirée quiz le 16 février à 19h dans le cadre des Journées internationales des femmes et filles de sciences.

Journée d’accueil des nouveaux entrants

Jeudi 8 février 9h30 - 17h Tous les nouveaux collaborateurs arrivés récemment ou depuis la précédente session sont invités à la journée d'accueil du 8 février en salle H.Paris. La participation à cette journée est obligatoire, elle fait partie du parcours d'arrivée de...

Derniers tweets

Next tuesday, December 17 at 11 a.m., come and listen to Dr. Laurent Yvan-Charvet from the Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire de Nice @C3M_U1065 who will talk about "Haematometabolism rewiring in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease". #cardiovascular

The research led by Prof. @Dominique Langin and Dr. @EMouiselsheds light on the importance of fat degradation in brown fat to generate heat. Exciting findings published in @Cell_Metabolism. @I2mcT @CHUdeToulouse @UT3PaulSabatier @Inserm 1/5

Is there a consensus on how to perform metabolic tolerance tests in laboratory mouse models? The answer in our latest guidelines review below. @metadiab
@I2mcT @Inserm @SFDiabete @FRM_officiel
@AgenceRecherche @EASDnews

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Inserm/UPS UMR 1297 - I2MC Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires

1 avenue Jean Poulhès - BP 84225 - 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4

Tél. : 05 61 32 56 00




Du lundi au vendredi
8h30 - 12h30 / 13h45 -16h45