team A. Bouloumié 

DINAMIX: Adipose tissues and vasculo-metabolic flexibility

Our research aims to characterize the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in metabolic adaptation in the context of natural and accelerated obesity-induced aging with a focus on the characterization of cellular and functional heterogeneity of white, beige and brown adipose depots in vascular-metabolic flexibility.


Tous / AllTeam leaderResearchersPost Doctoral fellowsStudentsTechnical staff
Team leader






PhD, Inserm Researcher



Florence TATIN

Post Doctoral fellows

Nathalie BOULET

PhD Student


PhD Student

Emmanuelle MARCHAUD

PhD Student CIFRE/ Diva Expertise

Léopold Devineaux

Assitant Ingineer INSERM


Post-doctoral fellow

Valentin Saunier

Assitant Engineer

Laura Zapata-Medrano

Team leader


PhD, HDR, INSERM Research Director (DR2), Team Leader

Career path
PhD in pharmacology, director M. Lafontan, Université P Sabatier, Toulouse (1994); Post-doc, Cardiovascular Institute (R. Busse), Frankfurt, Germany (1994-1998); CRCN INSERM U598 (1998-2001); Kovalevskaja award, Frankfurt, Germany (2002-2006); AVENIR award, I2MR, Toulouse (2007-2011), Since 2012, INSERM team leader, I2MC.

Main domains of expertise  
Adipose tissue, progenitor, immune cells, endothelial cells, adipogenesis, inflammation, fibrosis, senescence, aging, obesity.



PhD, HDR, Research Director INSERM 

Career path
PhD in Biochemistry (1988), Post-Doc in the laboratory of C. Fielding (1988-1991), Sabbatical stay: Columbia University, Department of Medicine, New-York, (A. Tall).  Since 2021, DR INSERM in Bouloumié team, I2MC, Toulouse. Director of CREFRE (July 2020), Director of SFR-BMT (since 2011), Co-director of Génotoul (since 2011).

Main domains of expertise  
Lipoprotein metabolism, lipids, cholesterol, intestinal absorption of lipids, microbiota.



PhD, INSERM Research 

Career path
PhD in molecular pharmacology, director M Lafontan, Université P Sabatier, Toulouse (1989); Post-doc, Karolinska Institute, laboratory P.Arner, Stockholm, Sweden (1989); Since 1990, INSERM Researcher; Since 2007, AVENIR/Bouloumié Team, I2MC, Toulouse, France.

Main domains of expertise  
Adipose tissue, progenitor, adipogenesis, fibrosis, obesity, microdialysis.

PhD, Inserm Researcher


PhD, Inserm Researcher

Career path
PhD in Molecular, Cellular and Integrated Pathophysiology, supervisor A Hovnanian (2009); Post-Doc Laboratory of L. Iruela-Arispe, UCLA, USA (2010-2015); Since 2016, CRCN INSERM Team Bouloumié, I2MC, Toulouse.

Main domains of expertise  
Vascular biology, cell biology, endothelial cells, adipose tissue, inflammation, aging, senescence.


Florence TATIN

Researcher (CRCN INSERM)

Florence Tatin received her PhD in cell biology from University of Bordeaux in 2006. She did a post-doc in the fields of lymphatic development in the lab of Taija Makinen in London and then joined I2MC in September 2014 to work on the role of lymphatic vessels in cardiovascular diseases in the lab of Anne-Catherine Prats and Barbara Garmy-Susini. She obtained her position CRCN in 2018. Her research project now focusses on the importance of lymphatic endothelium in metabolic diseases, obesities and diabetes.

Main domains of expertise
Vascular development, valvulopathy, cell adhesion and signalisation.

Post Doctoral fellows

Nathalie BOULET

PhD, Post-doctoral fellow

Career path
PhD in Physiopathology, PhD supervisors J Galitzky/A Bouloumié (2015); Post-Doc Laboratory of J Nedergaard and B Cannon, Stockholm, Sweden (2015-2018); Since 2018, post-doc, Equipe Bouloumié, I2MC, Toulouse.

Main domains of expertise  
Progenitor cells, white and brown adipose tissues, adipogenesis, myofibrogenesis, obesity, mitochondrial activity.

PhD Student


PhD Student

Career path
Master in Biology and Health, specialty Physiology, Physiopathology and Pharmacology, University of Poitiers (2020); Since October 2020, PhD student under the supervision of Anaïs Briot “Metabolic function of the adipose tissue microvasculature: a target of obesity and aging”, Team Bouloumié, I2MC, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, INSERM/région Occitanie funding.

Main area of expertise
Vascular physiology, Adipose tissue, Aging.

PhD Student

Emmanuelle MARCHAUD

PhD Student

Emmanuelle Marchaud received her engineer degree in biology from INSA Toulouse in 2019. After an ERASMUS at KTH (Stockholm) on molecular biology, immunology, she worked at DIVA Expertise (Toulouse) on a 3D-model of human adipocytes.

Main domains of expertise
She joined our team as a PhD student on the characterization of adipose tissue remodeling on vascular and lymphatic structure in the context of lymphedema and obesity.

PhD Student CIFRE/ Diva Expertise

Léopold Devineaux

Assitant Ingineer INSERM


Assistant Engineer INSERM

Career path
Licence professionnelle de Biotechnologies, Université Versailles- St Quentin en Yvelines, (2004); Assistant Engineer, INRA Jouy-en-Josas (2004-2006), INSERM Equipe AVENIR/Bouloumié, I2MR, Toulouse (2006-2009); TCN INSERM Equipe Bouloumié, I2MC, Toulouse (2010-2019); Since 2019, AI INSERM Team Bouloumié, I2MC.

Main area of expertise
Isolation and culture of human and mouse vascular and stromal cells by flow cytometry and/or magnetic beads; Approaches: Imaging, transcriptional, protein and lipid analyses.

Post-doctoral fellow

Valentin Saunier

Assitant Engineer

Laura Zapata-Medrano

Metabolic function of microvascular endothelium: Heterogeneity, nutrient sensing and handling


Principal investigators : Anaïs Briot, Anne Bouloumié

Our work on native and primary microvascular endothelial cells from subcutaneous and visceral human and mouse adipose depots aims at 1) identifying the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in nutrient sensing and transport, 2) defining the inter- and intra-fat depot phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of endothelial cells and, 3) assessing the impact of obesity and aging on adipose depots endothelial cells metabolic function in human and mice.

From progenitor cells to mature adipocytes: Heterogeneity, differentiation and function


Principal investigators : Jean Galitzky, Anne Bouloumié

Our objectives are to define the intrinsic and extrinsic molecular mechanisms governing the heterogeneity of adipocytes and progenitor cells in terms of their fat (white, beige and brown) and myofibrogenic fate and their intra- and inter-depot niche in physiological and pathological contexts of natural or obesity accelerated aging.

Dynamics and adaptation of adipose depot:

VASCULOMetabolic flexibility and fasting


Principal investigator : Anaïs Briot

Using distinct fasting protocols, our objectives are 1) to identify dynamic combinations of markers (metabolomic, transcriptomic and metagenomic) of metabolic inflexibility, 2) to assess the beneficial and deleterious consequences on the phenotype and functionality of adipose depot cells, and 3) to identify cellular and molecular mechanisms that selectively mimic the beneficial effects of intermittent fasting according to sex, age and metabolic health.

Regulation of postprandial triglyceridemia


Coordinator : Xavier Collet

Postprandial hypertriglyceridemia (PPHT) is a recognized vascular risk factor. The original model of SR-B1-invalidated mice in the intestine (Cre-Villin, iSR-BI KO) will be studied in order to characterize the role of cholesterol-dependent SR-BI in the control of TGPP in relation to FXR and bile acids and the involvement of this metabolic pathway in the development of atherosclerosis under conditions of lipid-enriched diet.

Adaptability of lymphatic endothelium in metabolic diseases



Principal investigators : Florence Tatin, Anais briot, Anne Bouloumie

Florence Tatin is interested in understanding the adaptability and heterogeneity of lymphatic endothelium in metabolic diseases. We are interested to determine the spatial organization of the lymphatic network in adipose tissue microenvironment with new approaches of 3D imaging by light sheet microscopy (IMACTIV-3D). In addition, obesity is well-recognized as an important rick factor for lymphatic dysfunction. We aim to better understand how adipose tissue may influence and interact with lymphatic endothelial cells, and inversely how dysfunction of lymphatic vessels may alter cell-responses of the adipose tissue. Towards this aim, we develop single-cell RNAseq analysis of endothelial cells, and cell sorting strategy associated with cell biology and biochemistry approaches.


Endothelial DLL4 is an Adipose Depot-Specific fasting sensor regulating fatty acid fluxes. Aupetit A, Decaunes P, Belles C, Riant E, Galitzky J, Chapouly C, Laisné M, Flores-Flores R, Chaput B, Vié K, Arnal JF, Bouloumié A, Briot A. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2023 PMID: 36924232. Pubmed

Notch activation shifts the fate decision of senescent progenitors toward myofibrogenesis in human adipose tissue. Boulet N, Briot A, Jargaud V, Estève D, Rémaury A, Belles C, Viana P, Fontaine J, Murphy L, Déon C, Guillemot M, Pech C, Veeranagouda Y, Didier M, Decaunes P, Mouisel E, Carpéné C, Iacovoni JS, Zakaroff-Girard A, Grolleau JL, Galitzky J, Ledoux S, Guillemot JC, Bouloumié A. Aging Cell. 2023 Jan 8:e13776. Pubmed

Subcutaneous Stromal Cells and Visceral Adipocyte Size Are Determinants of Metabolic Flexibility in Obesity and in Response to Weight Loss Surgery. Ledoux S, Boulet N, Belles C, Zakaroff-Girard A, Bernard A, Germain A, Decaunes P, Briot A, Galitzky J, Bouloumié A. Cells. 2022 Nov 9;11(22):3540. Pubmed

The Sexual Dimorphism of Human Adipose Depots. Boulet N, Briot A, Galitzky J, Bouloumié A. Biomedicines. 2022 Oct 18;10(10):2615. Pubmed

Periprostatic Adipose Tissue Displays a Chronic Hypoxic State that Limits Its Expandability. Roumiguié M, Estève D, Manceau C, Toulet A, Gilleron J, Belles C, Jia Y, Houël C, Pericart S, LeGonidec S, Valet P, Cormont M, Tanti JF, Malavaud B, Bouloumié A, Milhas D, Muller C. Am J Pathol. 2022 Jun;192(6):926-942. Pubmed

The Impact of Long-term Physical Inactivity on Adipose Tissue Immunometabolism. Trim WV, Walhin JP, Koumanov F, Bouloumié A, Lindsay MA, Travers RL, Turner JE, Thompson D. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Jan 1;107(1):177-191. Pubmed

Expression of the Adipocyte Progenitor Markers MSCA1 and CD36 is Associated With Adipose Tissue Function in Children. Hanschkow M, Boulet N, Kempf E, Bouloumié A, Kiess W, Stein R, Körner A, Landgraf K. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Jan 18;107(2):e836-e851. Pubmed















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