Research overview at the I2MC


Obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, fatty liver disease, intestinal dysbiosis


Vessel diseases, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, heart and kidney failures

The 13 i2mc teams

Anne Bouloumié – Diehl

Adipose tissues and vasculometabolic flexibility (DINAMIX)

Dominique Langin & Pierre Gourdy

Adipose tissue and liver metabolism in metabolic diseases

Cédric Moro

Pathophysiology of Metabolic disorders and Diabesity (MetaDiab)

Laurent Martinez

Lipoproteins and Mitochondrial adaptations in Age-related vascular & metabolic diseases (LiMitAging)

Françoise Lenfant & Coralie Fontaine

ESTrogEn Receptor Modulation to prevent aging-related metabolic and vascular dysfunctions (ESTER)

Barbara Garmy-Susini & Anne-Catherine Prats

Molecular regulation of lymphangiogenic factors in cardiovascular diseases

Muriel Laffargue

Cell response in arterial stress: impact on cardiovascular diseases

Bernard Payrastre & Sonia Séverin

Lipidomics And Signaling In Platelet Production, Thrombosis And Cell Homeostasis

Joost Schanstra & Julie KLein

Biomarkers, mechanisms and complications of kidney disease (RF-lab)

Oxana Kunduzova & Angelo Parini

Cardiometabolic remodeling: mechanisms and microenvironment (CERAMIC)

Céline Galés & Jean-Michel Sénard

Molecular and clinical determinants of cardiac architecture (ARCHI-CARD)

Frank Lezoualc’h

Signaling and pathophysiology of heart failure and aging

Vincent Blasco-Baque

Intestine ClinicOmics Microbiota & Metabolism (InCOMM)

Karim HNIA



The research programs at i2mc

Cross-cutting programs


The I2MC is actively involved in the INSPIRE research program funded by the Occitanie Region and European FEDER funds, aimed at identifying biomarkers of aging and determining the biological age (reall age of a person), in order to promote healthy aging.


L’I2MC développe des programmes de recherche en lien avec INSPIRE autour d’une même stratégie : l’identification d’interventions nutritionnelles pour prévenir/limiter la sénescence cellulaire et ralentir le vieillissement multi-organes.

European Programs


SPHERES is a 6 years project coordonnated by Dominique Langin, director of I2MC ( funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The goal of SPHERES is to understand the dynamics and consequences of adipocyte hypertrophy (enlargement) through investigation of its large lipid droplet (LD).

Research Integrity

Scientific integrity and its associated issues concern all areas of research: the research itself, the dissemination of knowledge, the training of students, evaluations and expert appraisals. Should you have any questions, require advice or wish to report misconduct, please contact Inserm’s Scientific Integrity Office.

In addition Nathalie NASR is identified as Scientific Integrity Referent (RIS) at the I2MC.

All staff registered with the Institute’s profile are, whatever their status, required to comply with the national charter of ethics for research professions which commits all French research operators and describes the principles of a rigorous scientific approach and integrity, in accordance with international and European reference texts. It also helps meet publishers’ integrity requirements.


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logotype i2mc

Inserm/UPS UMR 1297 - I2MC Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires

1 avenue Jean Poulhès - BP 84225 - 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4

Tél. : 05 61 32 56 00




Du lundi au vendredi
8h30 - 12h30 / 13h45 -16h45