Support services
The I2MC has support services whose main missions are the support and accompaniment of the staff of the Institute. These services play a role of facilitator at the interface of the unit management, research teams and related supervisory authorities
administratiVE et financiAL Services
Head of service : Cyrille Mahieux
Composed of 4 teams ressources managers and an executive and management assistant under the responsibility of the head of service, the administrative and financial services are in charge of managing the budgets and credits of the research teams and technological platforms as well as of their administrative support.
Executive assistant and ressources management
Laurence REAU | Institute ressources Teams Kunduzova, Payrastre, Hnia |
Teams and platforms ressources management
Laure Baume |
Équipes Laffargue, Martinez Plateaux Bio-informatique et Get-Santé |
Laurie Delefosse |
Équipes Blasco, Lenfant, Moro Plateau We-Met |
Gwenaëlle Guérin |
Équipes Bouloumié, Schanstra Plateaux Cytométrie et Lipidomique |
Emeline Pastor |
Équipes Galés, Garmy-Susini, Langin, Lezoualc’h Plateau Imagerie/Histologie |
Manager : Lydia Pasteur
Assistant : Xavier Sudre
The 2 people working in the I2MC store ensure the reception, storage and distribution of products and consumables used by the teams, technological platforms and services of the institute. They manage stocks of consumables and relations with suppliers (calls for tenders, procurement).
Technical services
Manager : Marc Jousseaume
The technical service is in charge of the management and maintenance of technical equipment in laboratories and buildings. As such, he manages the intervention of external companies for all works and controls.
Risk prevention
Manager : Magali Diette
The risk prevention department is made up of a prevention officer and a network of prevention players: prevention assistants, L2 managers, radiation protection advisers. The risk prevention service assists and advises the Institute’s management in the development and implementation of the occupational risk prevention policy within the Institute.
Glass wash service
Manager : Sophie Fonvieille
The I2MC glass wash service is in charge of collecting, sterilizing and redistributing equipment from teams and technological platforms (mainly glassware).
Information technology service management
Service provider : Igor Bass (Econocom)
The site IT specialist is in charge of managing the I2MC’s IT and telephone fleet.
REception desk
Service provider : Peneloppe
The reception agent is in charge of physical and telephone reception, mail, access badges and the instruction of internship agreements.
Inserm/UPS UMR 1297 - I2MC Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires
1 avenue Jean Poulhès - BP 84225 - 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4
Phone number : 05 61 32 56 00
From Monday to Friday
8h00 - 12h30 / 14h00 -19h00