

The platform offers state-of-the-art cytometers (analyzers/sorters), and the necessary expertise to use them. Open to all, we will support you in the development of your projects.







Tous / AllPlateform leaderTechnical staffScientific adviser
PHD, Operational manager of Cytometry Facility, Engineer


PhD, Ingineer INSERM

Elodie RIANT

Co-team leader Researcher


PHD, Operational manager of Cytometry Facility, Engineer


PhD, Operational manager, Engineer

Alexia Zakaroff-Girard received her PhD from Claude Bernard University (Lyon) in 1997 where she studied the role of biologically active phospholipids in immune response. She completed post-doctoral training at I2MC in adipose tissue physiology. Since 10 years, she is heading the Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility at I2MC, offering a wealth of experience and resources in the use of flow cytometry for the analyses and sorting of cell populations harvested from solid tissues for academic and private research investigators.

Main domains of expertise:
Flow cytometry, Cell sorting, Adipose tissue physiology, Cellular Biology

PhD, Ingineer INSERM

Elodie RIANT

PhD, Engineer INSERM

Elodie Riant received her PhD from Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse) in 2009 where she studied the protective role of oestrogens on obesity and idiabetes type 2. She completed post-doctoral training at I2MC in adipose tissue physiology. Since 2016, she is working on the Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility at I2MC, offering a wealth of experience and resources in the use of flow cytometry for the analyses and sorting of cell populations harvested from solid tissues for academic and private research investigators.

Main domains of expertise:
Flow cytometry, Cell sorting, Adipose tissue physiology, Cellular Biology

Co-team leader Researcher


INSERM researcher

Her current research focuses on the study of molecular and cellular mechanisms involving blood platelets and their precursors, megakaryocytes in different pathophysiological contexts.

Career path
Holds a Master’s degree in cell biology from Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (2002-06) and a MSC and PhD degrees in biology from l’Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III University (2004-2007). After a postdoctoral experience in Birmingham (United-Kingdom) (2007-10), she joined B. Payrastre lab and got an Inserm permanent researcher position in 2013.

Main domains of expertise
Hemostasis, Thrombosis, Hematopoïesis, Cardiovasular and Metabolic Physiopathology, cell trafficking and signalling.

Tél/Phone:05 31 22 41 43




Sonia SEVERIN  Email me 
Anne BOULOUMIE   Email me 
Nathalie PIZZINAT   Email me 
Cédric GARCIA   Email me 
Claire LAURENS   Email me
Yannis Sainte-Marie   Email me 
Florence TATIN   Email me 
Françoise LENFANT   Email me 
Audrey CASEMAYOU   Email me 
Véronique GIGOUX   Email me 
Frédéric MARTINS   Email me 
Natalia SMIRNOVA   Email me 



– Theoretical and practical training on analysers
– Help with panel design
– Advice on the implementation of your projects
– Help with the analysis of your results
– Data processing (FlowJo)


On request, we can carry out your experiments from acquisition to data analysis.
And we perform cell sorting on all types of samples.


We can assist you in the development of new flow cytometry approaches to advance your projects.



Numerous analysis applications are possible: membrane and intracellular multi-labelling, cell cycle, apoptosis, multiplex analysis… even cell sorting!


Conventionals Analyzers

  • LSRII BD Fortessa – 4 lasers
    405, 488, 561, 633 nm
  • BD FACS Verse – 1 lasers
    488 nm – 6 paramètres

Access by reservation for users with mandatory training.

Assistance available by appointment.




CO Fortessa & CO Verse

Spectral Analyzer / Sorter

  • Cytek Aurora CS – 4 lasers
    355, 405, 488, 633 nm

Access by reservation for users with mandatory training. Assistance available by appointment.

Sorting is carried out by the staff as a service by appointment.

Financement dans le cadre de la réponse de l’Union à la pandémie de COVID-19.

Fluorochromes Guide 4L UV

Sorter BD Influx


High speed sorter 4 lasers
405, 488, 561, 633nm

Possibility to sort 6 populations simultaneously, cloning unit.

Sorting is carried out by the staff as a service by appointment.





Analyses Stations


We have 2 analysis stations with free access to rework your data on DIVA 8, FlowJo.

Assistance available by appointment.










Booking slots for the Fortessa, Verse and Aurora analysers via this schedule.

Reservation of a sorting slot by tray staff by request only.






RECENT publications

Selective Cardiomyocyte Oxidative Stress Leads to Bystander Senescence of Cardiac Stromal Cells. Martini H, Lefevre L, Sayir S, Itier R, Maggiorani D, Dutaur M, Marsal DJ, Roncalli J, Pizzinat N, Cussac D, Parini A, Mialet-Perez J, Douin-Echinard V. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 . Pubmed

Circulating CD14high CD16low intermediate blood monocytes as a biomarker of ascites immune status and ovarian cancer progression. Prat M, Le Naour A, Coulson K, Lemée F, Leray H, Jacquemin G, Rahabi MC, Lemaitre L, Authier H, Ferron G, Barret JM, Martinez A, Ayyoub M, Delord JP, Gladieff L, Tabah-Fisch I, Prost JF, Couderc B, Coste A. J Immunother Cancer. 2020. Pubmed

Targeting Myeloperoxidase Disrupts Mitochondrial redox balance and overcomes cytarabine resistance in human acute myeloid leukemia. Hosseini M, Rezvani H, Aroua N, Bosc C, Farge T, Saland E, Guyonnet-Dupérat V, Zaghdoudi S, Jarrou L, Larrue C, Sabatier M, Mouchel PL, Gotanègre M, Piechaczyk M, Bossis G, Récher C, Sarry JE. Cancer Res. 2019. Pubmed

Lobular architecture of human adipose tissue defines the niche and fate of progenitor cells. Estève D, Boulet N, Belles C, Zakaroff-Girard A, Decaunes P, Briot A, Veeranagouda Y, Didier M, Remaury A, Guillemot JC, Ledoux S, Dani C, Bouloumié A, Galitzky J. Nat Commun. 2019. Pubmed

Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Heterogeneity of High Endothelial Venules and Different Regulation of Genes Controlling Lymphocyte Entry to Lymph Nodes. Krystle Veerman, Claire Tardiveau, Frédéric Martins, Juliette Coudert,
Jean-Philippe Girard. Cell Reports. 2019
. Pubmed


Plateau Cytométrie et tri cellulaire

logotype i2mc
logotype i2mc

Inserm/UPS UMR 1297 - I2MC Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires

1 avenue Jean Poulhès - BP 84225 - 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4

Tél. : 05 61 32 56 00




Du lundi au vendredi
8h30 - 12h30 / 13h45 -16h45