The vocation of this platform is to provide you with the latest innovative technologies and technical support in functional biochemistry.







Tous / AllTechnical staffPlateform leader
PhD, Research Engineer INSERM Plateform Leader

Alexandre LUCAS

AI We-Met

Corinne BERNIS

PhD, Engineer

Steven FRIED

Researcher INSERM


Assitant Engineer

Margot Lemarinier

PhD, Research Engineer INSERM Plateform Leader

Alexandre LUCAS

IR (INSERM Research Engineer)

Alexandre is the founder and manager of the We-Met platform. He is a specialist in protein biochemistry. He manages the platform and is responsible for various training courses and developments.

Career path
He started in 2005 at Inserm in Chatenay-Malabry in cardiac signalling and then joined the I2MC in 2010. He then founded the We-Met platform in 2015.

Field of expertise
Protein Biochemistry, Simple Western, Seahorse, ,Biomarkers discovery

Phone:05 61 32 56 09 / 06 82 46 74 78

AI We-Met

Corinne BERNIS

AI (assistant engeineer INSERM) 

Corinne is an assistant engineer specialised in protein biochemistry. She has been involved in numerous cell signalling projects in vascular models during 15years. She joined the We-Met functional biochemistry platform at the end of 2019. Today, she is leader for the simple western part of the platform. She trains platform users on the technologies for protein analysis and biomarker research and supports researchers in R&D projects.

Career path
DUT : technological degree in biological engineering. Corinne was recruted by INSERM in 2009 after a university job in Toulouse. She is at the functional biochemistry facility We-Met since 2019.

Expertise area
Protein biochemistry. Simple western technology. Biomarker research.

PhD, Engineer

Steven FRIED

IR (Research Engineer CDD INSERM)

Steven participates in the various projects of the We-met platform, he is notably involved in the development of new detection techniques and biochemical assays.

Career path
After a PhD from Paul Sabatier University and a post-doctoral experience at the Institute of Digestive Health Research in Toulouse, he will join the We-Met platform at the Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (I2MC) in 2021.

Field of expertise 
Biochemistry, cell biology and in vivo model studies

Researcher INSERM


Senior staff scientist

After undergraduate studies in biology and biochemistry in Sweden (Linköping) and USA (Boulder, CO), and PhD studies in Lund (Sweden) and in Toulouse, Henrik Laurell, defended his thesis in 1998 at the Lund University. After 2 post-doctoral positions in Toulouse, he obtained an Inserm position in 2004 as a staff scientist. His interest in methodology in molecular biology (and especially in qPCR), resulted in the development of the ValidPrime method and more recently QSeeD, a qPCR-based method to determine cell death. Since 2019 he has been using proximity-based biotinylation (TurboID) to define the proxisome/interactome of proteins of interest. In 2021 he joined the We-Met plateau to help the teams in the institute to develop projects based on the TurboID technology.

Main domains of expertise:
Molecular biology, qPCR, gene expression, molecular cloning, protein biochemistry, protein-protein interactions, proximity-based biotinylation

Assitant Engineer

Margot Lemarinier

AI (assistant engineer) 

Margot, as assistant engineer at We-met, actively supports our activities. Involved in data collection and equipment maintenance, she plays a key role in the international HERVCOV project, aimed at studying the HERV-W-ENV protein as part of COVID-19. She also contributes to the daily life of the platform and to various projects.

Cheminement de carrière

After obtaining a Master’s degree from the University of La Rochelle, she will join the We-Met platform at the Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaire (I2MC) in 2022.

Domaine d’expertise

Protein biochemistry, simple western and biomarker research



Melissa BUSCATO   Email me 
Benjamin CHARVET  
Elodie MUCHER  
Victorine DOUIN   Email me 
Aline MAIRAL   Email me 
Nicole MALET   Email me 
Yannis Sainte-Marie   Email me
Julien VIAUD   Email me







Simple Western

The simple western is an automated capillary western technology. Accessible in autonomy after training or in service provision.


ELLA enables biomarker assays to be performed using a microfluidic array.

Wide range of human analytes, in development in rodents.


Teams can come and read their classic western blots (chemiluminescence, colorimetric and fluorescence) and stain-free gels using high sensitivity readers.


The Seahorse analysers (XFe24 and XF PRO 96) provides a metabolic profile by measuring micro variations in O² consumption and extracellular acidification of a cell culture, tissue or mitochondria.


2 microplate readers: TECAN Infinite F500: reading of Fluorescence (UV and visible), HTRF or Luminometry, wavelength selection by filters. BMG Spectro Star Nano monochromator for Absorbance reading.



Booking of equipments



A Request ?

RECENT publications 


Protein Simple

Protein Simple





RECENT publications

High unrecognized SARS-CoV-2 exposure of newly admitted and hospitalized psychiatric patients. K. El Abdellati, A. Lucas, H. Perron, R. Tamouza, I. Nkam, J.-R. Richard, S. Fried, C. Barau, N. Djonouma, A. Pinot, S. Fourati, C. Rodriguez, V. Coppens, U. Meyer, M. Morrens, L. De Picker, M. Leboyer. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 114, 2023.  Pubmed

Association between aging-related biomarkers and longitudinal trajectories of intrinsic capacity in older adults. Wan-Hsuan LuM, Sophie Guvonnet, Laurent O Martinez, Alexandre Lucas, Angelo Parini, Bruno Vellas, Philipe de Souto Barreto.  Gerosciences. 2023 Sep. Pubmed

Cyclic AMP-binding protein Epac1 acts as a metabolic sensor to promote cardiomyocyte lipotoxicity. Laudette M, Sainte-Marie Y, Cousin G, Bergonnier D, Belhabib I, Brun S, Formoso K, Laib L, Tortosa F, Bergoglio C, Marcheix B, Borén J, Lairez O, Fauconnier J, Lucas A, Mialet-Perez J, Moro C, Lezoualc’h F.  Cell Death Dis. 2021 Sep. Pubmed

Mechanisms of artemether toxicity on single cardiomyocytes and protective effect of nanoencapsulation. Moreira Souza AC, Grabe-Guimarães A, Cruz JDS, Santos-Miranda A, Farah C, Teixeira Oliveira L, Lucas A, Aimond F, Sicard P, Mosqueira VCF, Richard S. Br J Pharmacol. 2020. Pubmed

Identification of new enterosynes using prebiotics: roles of bioactive lipids and mu-opioid receptor signalling in humans and mice. Abot A, Wemelle E, Laurens C, Paquot A, Pomie N, Carper D, Bessac A, Mas Orea X, Fremez C, Fontanie M, Lucas A, Lesage J, Everard A, Meunier E, Dietrich G, Muccioli GG, Moro C, Cani PD, Knauf C. Gut. 2020. Pubmed


logotype i2mc
logotype i2mc

Inserm/UPS UMR 1297 - I2MC Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires

1 avenue Jean Poulhès - BP 84225 - 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4

Tél. : 05 61 32 56 00




Du lundi au vendredi
8h30 - 12h30 / 13h45 -16h45