InScience 2024
From May 27 to june 9  the 4th edition of InScience, the Inserm festival on the theme of health and medical research, will take place. During these two weeks, podcasts, virtual reality games, exhibitions, comic strips, meetings with researchers… will follow one another in the 6 corners of France. The objective of this festival of health and scientific culture? Enable citizens to deconstruct received ideas about health and medical research. Discover the full program of this event on the Insermpro website:

In Toulouse, Inserm invites you to learn more about heart failure, to discover the life journey of a research director, to explore the scientific advances and the challenges that our researchers face and to participate in a debate meeting to deconstruct preconceived ideas together about fat, this organ that scares us!

In the série En clair c’est quoi? you will discover the interview with Frédéric Boal from the Oxana Kunduzova team on the subject of heart failure. Heart failure is a serious illness that affects more than 26 million people worldwide. In France, it is estimated that around 500,000 people are affected but don’t know it! But does this disease affect everyone? Does it prevent you from playing sports? How can we treat it? are there new therapeutic and diagnostic methods?

logotype i2mc
logotype i2mc

Inserm/UPS UMR 1297 - I2MC Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires

1 avenue Jean Poulhès - BP 84225 - 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4

Tél. : 05 61 32 56 00




Du lundi au vendredi
8h30 - 12h30 / 13h45 -16h45