TEAM V.Blasco-Baque

InCOMM: Oral microbiota – risk factor for cardio-metabolic phenotype

Our team focuses on translational clinical research to understand the molecular mechanisms through which the human oral and intestinal microbiota regulate cardio-metabolic diseases in humans.


Tous / AllTeam leaderResearchersStudentsTechnical staff
Team Leader - Clinician





Christophe HEYMES

Research Technician


Technical Researcher



Matthieu MINTY


Charlotte THOMAS

Assitant Engineer

Jiuwen SUN


Team Leader - Clinician


DMD, PhD, Professor and hospital practitioner

Career path
DMD in Dental Surgery (2009); PhD in Biology, Health and Biotechnology, specialty Physiopathology, supervisor R. Burcelin (2013); DIU in Endodontics (2014); MCU-PH UFR Santé de Toulouse (2016); HDR (2019), PU-PH UFR Santé de Toulouse ( 2022).


Main area of expertise
Dentistry, oral microbiota, metabolic disease, periodontitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis



PhD, INSERM Research Director

PhD in endocrinology, Paris VI University (1992), Postdoctoral fellowship New York A. Einstein college or medicine (1993-1995), Assistant Professor University Lausanne (1995-2001), Professor University Toulouse (2001), Research Director INSERM at the Institute of Cardio and metabolic diseases.

Main domains of expertise  
Animal Physiology, Incretins, metagenomics, Energy Metabolism, Metabolic diseases and cardiovascular and hepatic complications.


Christophe HEYMES

PhD, Senior Researcher INSERM 

Career path
PhD in Membrane Physiology and Pharmacology, PhD supervisor B. Swynghedauw (1997); Post-Doc Laboratory of Pr. Ajay M. Shah, Kings College of London, UK (1998-2001); Recruited INSERM (CR1) in 2001. Since 2008, DR2 INSERM.

Main domains of expertise  
Cardiac physiology, cell biology, aging, senescence, heart failure.

Research Technician


Research Technician INSERM

Career path
BTS ABM Biology and Medical Analysis (2007-2009), recruited at INSERM since 2009.

Main domains of expertise  
Molecular Biology (DNA-RNA extraction, PCR, RT-qPCR), Cell Biology (adipose tissue progenitor cell culture), Immunology (immune cell labelling, FACS, t-SNE), Biochemistry (ELISA assays)

Technical Researcher


Technical Researcher and Training Assistant, Toulouse Faculty of Dental Surgery

Career path
BTS ANABIOTEC ITSA La Raque Lasbordes (1994); since 1995 Technical Researcher and Training Assistant, Paul Sabatier University, and since 2010, Burcelin Team, I2MC, Toulouse.

Main area of expertise
General and oral microbiology, animal experimentation, molecular biology.


Matthieu MINTY

DMD, University Hospital Assistant, Faculty of Dental Surgery, PhD Student

Career path
DMD, Faculty of Dental Surgery of Paul Sabatier (2017) ; Master in Biology and Health specialty Physiopathology of Infections, University of Paul Sabatier Toulouse (2019) ; Since Sept 2020, PhD student under the direction of V. Blasco “the oral microbiota: a major actor of our general health”, Team Burcelin, I2MC, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse.

Main area of expertise
Dental surgery, oral microbiota, metabolic diseases, Porphyromonas ginigvalis.


Charlotte THOMAS

DDS, University Hospital Assistant, Faculty of Dental Surgery, PhD Student

Career path
Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS, 2018), Faculty of Dental Surgery of Toulouse; Residency 2015-2018: Specialization in Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dental Surgery of Toulouse; 2019 Specialization in Periodontology – University Diploma, University of Paul Sabatier Toulouse; 2019 Master Biology Health: Physiopathology from molecular to medical, University of Paul Sabatier Toulouse;
Since Sept 2019, PhD student under the supervision of Dr Vincent Blasco-Baque and Dr Sara Laurencin-Dalicieux: “Oral microbiota and obesity: from a dysbiotic oral microbiota signature in humans to its causality in mice”, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse

Main area of expertise
Dental surgery, oral microbiota, periodontitis, obesity.

Assitant Engineer

Jiuwen SUN

Assistant Engineer INSERM

Career path
Master of SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY OF AGRICULTURE FOOD AND THE ENVIRONMENT INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY (OMICS),  University Paris Est Créteil Val Sur Marne  (2019-2021); Since August 2021 Engineering Assistant, I2MC, Toulouse

Main area of expertise
Data analysis, Biostatistics, omics data.


Microbial dysbiosis, adipose tissue heterogeneity and cardiometabolic dysfunction


Coordinators : Vincent Blasco-Baque, Rémy Burcelin

Associated coordinators: Géraud Tuyeras, Pierre Brinas, Jiuwen Sun

Our objectives are the creation and analysis of large-scale databases (metagenomic, transcriptomic, metabolomic) of adipose deposits and tissue and oral microbiomes from human and murine cohorts (including axenic mouse lines colonised by human microbiota) in contexts of obesity and ageing as a function of gender. Links with clinical/biological data are analysed by machine learning strategies (development of new algorithms) in order to extract information that classifies and/or predicts cardiometabolic phenotypes and to propose new molecular relationships between tissue bacteria and adipose depot cells.



Coordinator : Christophe Heymes

Using a nutritional approach (based on the use of a prebiotic), the objectives during the development of obesity/diabetes are 1) to study intestinal and tissue dysbiosis (adipose tissue and heart); 2) to study the effects of Polydextrose (prebiotic) on these dysbiosis and the impact on cardiac dysfunction; 3) to identify new probiotics and bacterial metabolites responsible for the observed effects; 4) to identify molecular mechanisms (peptides, proteins secreted by the intestine and/or the adipose tissue) mediating in part the observed effects.

Identifier les acteurs moléculaires du microbiote sur les maladies cardio-métaboliques dans des cohortes humaines


Coordinateurs : Vincent Blasco-Baque

Nos objectifs sont la création et l’analyse de banques de données larges échelles (OMICs cliniques, métagénomiques, transcriptomiques, métabolomiques) de microbiotes tissulaires et buccaux issus des cohortes humaines dans le contexte des maladies cardio-métaboliques. Nous réaliserons aussi une bio-banque de tissus et de microbiote afin de réaliser les liens avec les données cliniques, biologiques et métagénomiques.

BuccoBaria Coordinateurs associés : Géraud Tuyeras, Pierre Brinas, Sylvie Lê

BuccoViccardio Coordinateurs associés : Thibault Canceill, Matthieu Minty

Bucco Cœur Coordinateurs associés :  Matthieu Minty

MicroValv Coordinateurs associés :  Jacques Amar, Jean Porterie

BuccoNash Coordinateurs associés :  Matthieu Minty

BuccoDiabéto Coordinateurs associés :  Charlotte Thomas, Maxime Luis

NephroBiota Coordinateurs associés : Sylvie Lê

Granulobiota Coordinateurs associés : Franck Diemer, Marie Georgelin- Gurgel, Manon Saucourt

Parobiota Coordinateurs associés :  Charlotte Thomas, Sylvie Lê


Coordinateurs techniques associés sur l’ensemble des projets : Vincent Azalbert, Pascale Loubières, Swann Diemer



Coordinateur : Rémy Burcelin

Le projet Betinflam est une collaboration entre l’équipe Dynamix de l’Inserm Toulouse et l’entreprise Cell-easy à Toulouse. L’objectif est de mettre au point un procédé de mesure de l’impact de molécules bactériennes sur le développement de la sénescence d’une lignée humaine de cellules Béta d’îlot de Langerhans ». Ce procédé permettra de tester l’impact de stratégies thérapeutiques basées sur le microbiote intestinal et tissulaire, notamment dans le domaine du cancer et du vieillissement. 


Vieillissement, pathologies musculaires et dysbiose intestinale : Validation d’une approche nutritionnelle par un prébiotique, le Polydextrose, et des bactéries amplifiées par ce composé comme traitements préventifs ou thérapeutiques.

Coordinateur : Christophe Heymes

Le projet BactAge est une collaboration entre les équipes toulousaines InCOMM de l’I2MC, METEBOLINK de RESTORE et l’entreprise Lallemand SAS à Blagnac. L’objectif général est de valider l’hypothèse selon laquelle le traitement de la dysbiose du microbiote intestinal, à l’aide d’un prébiotique tel le Polydextrose, retarderait le développement de la sarcopénie et de l’IC associées à l’âge.



Coordinator : Rémy Burcelin

ThinkGut is a research project led by the Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta (IDIBGI) in association with I2MC’s InCOMM team and the SME Enterosys SAS, investigating the role of gut microbiota in neurocognitive disorders associated with obesity and ageing. This project was 65% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) via the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra programme (POCTEFA 2014-2020).
More informations:

publications RECENTES

Obesity of mice lacking VAP-1/SSAO by Aoc3 gene deletion is reproduced in mice expressing a mutated vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) devoid of amine oxidase activity, Jargaud V, Bour S, Tercé F, Collet X, Valet P, Bouloumié A, Guillemot JC, Mauriège P, Jalkanen S, Stolen C, Salmi M, Smith DJ, Carpéné C. J Physiol Biochem. 2021. Pubmed

Detection of representative variables in complex systems wtih interpretable rules using Core-Clusters. Champion, C., A. C. Brunet, R. Burcelin, J. M. loubes and l. Risser. Algorithms 2021. Pubmed

Molecular phenomics and metagenomics of hepatic steatosis in non-diabetic obese women. Hoyles, L., J. M. Fernandez-Real, M. Federici, M. Serino, J. Abbott, J. Charpentier, C. Heymes, J. L. Luque, E. Anthony, R. H. Barton, J. Chilloux, A. Myridakis, L. Martinez-Gili, J. M. Moreno-Navarrete, F. Benhamed, V. Azalbert, V. Blasco-Baque, J. Puig, G. Xifra, W. Ricart, C. Tomlinson, M. Woodbridge, M. Cardellini, F. Davato, I. Cardolini, O. Porzio, P. Gentileschi, F. Lopez, F. Foufelle, S. A. Butcher, E. Holmes, J. K. Nicholson, C. Postic, R. Burcelin and M. E. Dumas. Nat Med. 2018. Pubmed

Lobular architecture of human adipose tissue defines the niche and fate of progenitor cells. Estève D, Boulet N, Belles C, Zakaroff-Girard A, Decaunes P, Briot A, Veeranagouda Y, Didier M, Remaury A, Guillemot JC, Ledoux S, Dani C, Bouloumié A, Galitzky J. Nat Commun. 2019. Pubmed

Senescence Alters PPARγ (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma)-Dependent Fatty Acid Handling in Human Adipose Tissue Microvascular Endothelial Cells and Favors Inflammation. Briot A, Decaunes P, Volat F, Belles C, Coupaye M, Ledoux S, Bouloumié A. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2018Pubmed


Equipe Blasco

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logotype i2mc

Inserm/UPS UMR 1297 - I2MC Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires

1 avenue Jean Poulhès - BP 84225 - 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4

Tél. : 05 61 32 56 00




Du lundi au vendredi
8h30 - 12h30 / 13h45 -16h45