Metabolic and Cardiovascular Research Institute


The I2MC INSTITUTE is dedicated to study of metabolic, cardiovascular and kidney diseases.




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I2MC life

Séminaire de prestige

Dr. Bruno GOUD le 24 septembre à 11h

GenoToul – Fond ReactEU

Europe provides resources for research Thanks to European funding, the GENOTOUL scientific consortium has been able to acquire cutting-edge...

InScience 2024

From May 27 to june 9  the 4th edition of InScience, the Inserm festival on the theme of health and medical research, will take place. During these...

Publication d’un article de l’équipe LIPSIPLAT (PAYRASTRE / SEVERIN) dans PNAS

MTM1-mediated production of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate fuels the formation of podosome-like protrusions regulating myoblast fusion Myoblast...

Publication d’un article de l’équipe LYMPHACTOR (Garmy-Susini) dans Embo Molecular Medicine

Apelin-VEGF-C mRNA delivery as therapeutic for the treatment of secondary lymphedema Secondary lymphedema (LD) corresponds to a severe lymphatic...

Publication d’un article de l’équipe LYMPHACTOR (Garmy-Susini) dans Nature Communications

15-Lipoxygenase promotes resolution of inflammation in lymphedema by controlling Treg cell function through IFN-β Lymphedema (LD) is characterized...

New review from MetaDiab (C. Moro) team in Biochimie

Does housing temperature influence glucose regulation and muscle-fat crosstalk in mice? Auteurs : Marlène Lac, Geneviève Tavernier, Cedric Moro...

EndoTreat: research project conducted in partnership with the Toulouse University Hospital (E. Chantalat), INSERM-I2MC (F. Lenfant) and the start-up company Urosphère

Endometriosis: researchers in Toulouse study the disease by creating organoids (Equipe de Françoise LENFANT) Click here to read article in the...

Séminaire technologique Leica 17 septembre 11h

Dans le cadre d’une réflexion sur l’avenir de nos systèmes confocaux sur le plateau d’imagerie de l’I2MC, et en particulier du LSM 780, la société...

Journée d’accueil des nouveaux entrants

Jeudi 8 février 9h30 - 17h Tous les nouveaux collaborateurs arrivés récemment ou depuis la précédente session sont invités à la journée d'accueil du...

Retour en images sur une retraite réussie

La retraite de l'I2MC les 5 et 6 juin a été un succès, et de nombreux échanges ont pu se faire. Merci à tous les participants et merci également à...

Starlab seminar : towards a more sustainable laboratory

On Tuesday May 23 at 11 a.m. in the Hérvé Paris room, the Starlab company will offer a seminar on its green actions and its new recycling method....



Obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, fatty liver disease, intestinal dysbiosis


Diseases of the vessels, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, heart and kidney failure



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Latest tweets

Next tuesday, December 17 at 11 a.m., come and listen to Dr. Laurent Yvan-Charvet from the Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire de Nice @C3M_U1065 who will talk about "Haematometabolism rewiring in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease". #cardiovascular

The research led by Prof. @Dominique Langin and Dr. @EMouiselsheds light on the importance of fat degradation in brown fat to generate heat. Exciting findings published in @Cell_Metabolism. @I2mcT @CHUdeToulouse @UT3PaulSabatier @Inserm 1/5

Is there a consensus on how to perform metabolic tolerance tests in laboratory mouse models? The answer in our latest guidelines review below. @metadiab
@I2mcT @Inserm @SFDiabete @FRM_officiel
@AgenceRecherche @EASDnews

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Inserm/UPS UMR 1297 - I2MC Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires

1 avenue Jean Poulhès - BP 84225 - 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4

Phone number : 05 61 32 56 00




From Monday to Friday
8h00 - 12h30 / 14h00 -19h00


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