Team B. Payrastre

Lipidomic and signaling in platelet production and functions, thrombosis and cell homeostasis (LIPSIPLAT)

Our laboratory studies phosphoinositide (PI) metabolism in health and diseases. We use integrative and translational approaches to decipher PI signalling and functions in the vascular system (megakaryocytes, platelets and endothelium) and skeletal muscle. We also develop original translational research in the field of cardiovascular diseases in close interaction with clinicians.


Tous / AllTeam leaderResearchersCliniciansStudentsTechnical staff
Team leader


Co-team leader Researcher


Principal scientist

Marie-Pierre GRATACAP

Principal scientist

Julien VIAUD


Christophe COGNARD







Clinician, PhD student


Research engineer INSERM





Jean-Marie Xuereb

Engineer, Inserm


PhD student


PhD student


PhD student

Oportune KPOTOR

Ingeneer assistant


Christophe FERREIRA

Christophe FERREIRA



Ingineer assistant

Mathilde MIQUEL

Team leader


Professor of Haematology/Haemostasis (PU-PH), Medical Faculty Toulouse Purpan.

Responsible of the Functional Unit of “Cardiovascular Haemostasis”, Laboratory of Haematology, University Hospital of Toulouse.

Short description of positions held or career path
Diplomas: HDR, PhD thesis, Medical Pedagogy, Specialized electron microscopy.
2001-08: Director of Research at CNRS, group leader at Inserm U563, Toulouse.
2008: Professor of Haematology/Haemostasis (PU-PH), Medical Faculty Toulouse Purpan.

Pathophysiology of haemostasis (DFGSM2), research approach (PACES), conferences and training 3th cycle of medical studies (haematology), medical and scientific English (DCEM2 and 3), cell signalling mechanisms (M1 (Responsible of the M1), M2R, DIU).

Scientific activity and expertise
• Appointed member of Inserm Scientific Committee n°5 (2008-12) and scientific committees of: FRM (2012-16), La Ligue Nationale (2017-24), INTS (2014-19), ARC-CR5 (president 2011-14), FDF (2006-12), lipidomic platform of Toulouse (president since 2011), SAB of Cochin Institute (2016-23).
• Editorial board of Biochem J (2013-20), Adv Biol Reg (2011-), Leukemia (2007-10). Advisory Editorial Board of J Thromb Haemost (2008-21). Reviewer for Blood, Circulation Research, Haematological, JTH, TH, Nature Commun, BBA-lipids, etc. Evaluator of ANR, Welcome Trust, Italian Ministry of Research (PRIN), La Ligue Nationale, PHRC projects.
• Scientific committee « European Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation » (2005-), organizer of the 2009, 2014 and 2019 meetings. Co-organizer of the GEHT meeting (2002 and 2009), organizer of the 1st French-UK Platelet meeting (2009), founder and co-organizer of The Toulouse School of Lipids (since 2016).
• Mentor of 12 PhD thesis and 3 postdoctoral fellows, 8 of whom are independent investigators.
• Coordinator of research project (ANR project)
• Over 28 invited conferences abroad (FEBS, ETRO, ISTH, Keystone).

• CNRS Bronze medal 1998.
• Senior member of “Institut Universitaire de France (2014-19).
• Guillaumat Piel 2016 Price from « Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale ».
• FRM Team (2017-20 and 2022-25).

Co-team leader Researcher


INSERM researcher

Her current research focuses on the study of molecular and cellular mechanisms involving blood platelets and their precursors, megakaryocytes in different pathophysiological contexts.

Career path
Holds a Master’s degree in cell biology from Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (2002-06) and a MSC and PhD degrees in biology from l’Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III University (2004-2007). After a postdoctoral experience in Birmingham (United-Kingdom) (2007-10), she joined B. Payrastre lab and got an Inserm permanent researcher position in 2013.

Main domains of expertise
Hemostasis, Thrombosis, Hematopoïesis, Cardiovasular and Metabolic Physiopathology, cell trafficking and signalling.

Tél/Phone:05 31 22 41 43


Principal scientist

Marie-Pierre GRATACAP

INSERM researcher

Her current research focuses on the role of phosphoinositides on vascular integrity and the dialogue of the endothelium with platelets in different physiopathological contexts.

Career path
Master’s degree and PhD in Biology and Pharmacology of Hemostasis and Vessels at Paris VII (1996-1999). 2000-2003, Postdoc position at the Pharmacological Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany). 2002-current INSERM researcher at the physiopathology centre of Toulouse and at the I2MC.

Main domains of expertise
Haemostasis and Thrombosis, Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathology, Actin cytoskeleton dynamics and phosphoinositide signaling.

Principal scientist

Julien VIAUD

INSERM researcher

Julien Viaud is a cell biologist and a biochemist. His current research interests focus on the role of phosphoinositides and actin cytoskeleton dynamic in muscle cell differentiation and megakaryocyte interaction with extracellular matrices using genome engineered cell models.

Career path
Holds a Master’s degree in cell biology from Nantes University of and a MSC and PhD degrees in biology from Montpellier University (2007). After a postdoctoral experience in Philadelphia (2007-10), he joined B. Payrastre’s lab and got an Inserm permanent researcher position in 2016.

Main domains of expertise
Cell biology and biochemistry related to phosphoinositides signaling and actin cytoskeleton dynamic, genome editing.


Christophe COGNARD





University Lecturer – Hospital Practitioner (MCU-PH) in Haematology/Haemostasis, Toulouse III Faculty of Health, Medicine Department

As a medical biologist, my current work involves identifying abnormalities in platelet phenotyping from clinical consultations at the Centre de Référence des Pathologies Plaquettaires (CRPP), deciphering pathophysiological mechanisms, molecular characterisation of these abnormalities, and their possible modelling in vivo or in vitro in collaboration with the team.

I am also working on the identification of new markers specific to the megakaryocyte/platelet/extracellular vesicle axis that are relevant to the development of haematological (autoimmune, dysplastic, red cell) and extrahaematological pathologies, in collaboration with certain departments at Toulouse University Hospital.

Career path: Scientific career: Masters in Cellular and Molecular Biology (Toulouse 1996-98), DEA (Paris 1998-99), PhD in Science (Paris 1999-2002), Fellowship (Paris 2002-05). Private sector career (Toulouse 2005-07). Medical career: Externship (Toulouse 2008-13), Medical Biology Internship (Toulouse 2014-18), Gold Medal (Toulouse 2018-19), University Hospital Assistant (Toulouse 2019-22), MCU-PH since 2022.

Teaching: Toulouse Faculty of Health Medicine Department (DFGSM2, DFGSM3, DFASM2, DFASM3, ECOS), Paramedical Department (IPA), Francophone Inter-University Diploma in Haemostasis and Thrombosis (Biology and Haemostasis module), forthcoming M1 course (intracellular calcium).

Areas of expertise: Clinical, on constitutional or acquired haemostasis diseases (haemorrhagic and thrombotic components), their biological investigations and medical management. Scientific, on investigations into the megakaryocyte/platelet/extracellular vesicle axis and intracellular calcium.




Clinician, PhD student


Research engineer INSERM


Research engineer INSERM

He is a lipid biochemistry and molecular biology engineer. As part of the team’s research themes, his activities focus on development of new techniques to quantify phosphosinositides base on mass spectrometry and design news tools in molecular biology.

Career path
He holds a Master’s degree in biochemistry and a MSC in molecular biology from Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse. After a first experience at Bayer Cropscience in Lyon, he moved to B. Payrastre’s lab in 2003 and got an INSERM permanent engineer position in 2006.

Main domains of expertise
Lipid biochemistry (phosphoinositides quantification). Cellular and molecular biology (cloning, genome editing). Lentivirus production.



Hospital Engineer / PhD Student (funded by CHU Toulouse)

Since 2006, I have been responsible for the study of rare thrombopathies and technological development in the hospital laboratory for platelet pathophysiology in clinical research. I began my PhD in September 2021 within Professor Payrastre’s team. My thesis focuses on platelet interactions with pathogens (viruses, bacteria), particularly their role in innate immunity and the inflammasome.

Career Path

Laboratory Technician at the Reference Center for Platelet Disorders, Hematology Laboratory, CHU Purpan/Rangueil in Toulouse from 2006 to 2017. After obtaining my engineering degree from EICNAM, I was appointed as an engineer in the hematology laboratory in 2017. 2015: Engineering degree in Life Sciences, Biological Engineering option, EICNAM, Toulouse. 2005: Professional license in Asset and Personnel Safety, HSE option in the health sector, Faculty of Pharmacy, Toulouse. 2004: B.T.S. in Biological Analysis, Jolimont High School, Toulouse.

Areas of Expertise

Platelet biology and signaling, cytometry, imaging.


Jean-Marie Xuereb

Engineer University

He has expertise in hemostasis and Hematopoïesis. As part of the team’s research themes, his activities focus on exploring platelet homeostasis and function in related human diseases.

Career path
Master in Biotechnology and PHD in Biology in Toulouse in 1998, post-doctorate in R&D in private companies, recruited as IE2 university (2004-2008), attached to I2MC (2008-2012), finally IE2 then IEHC since 2018 in the team of B. Payrastre.

Main domains of expertise
Cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, cytometry, imaging.

Engineer, Inserm


Research Engineer

Career path
Anne received her PhD in Cancerology at University of Paris V followed by postdoctoral trainings in private companies and public laboratory. She joined our team in 2023 as an engineer to participate to the “newpi” project.

Main domain of expertise
Imaging, protein-protein interaction, cellular & molecular biology

PhD student


PhD Student

Laura Bouvet joined the team in November 2022 as a PhD student to work on the role of PI3KC2β in endothelial dysfunction in a thrombo-inflammatory context.

Career path

Master ” Molecular and Cellular Biology pathway Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology ” at Grenoble Alpes University in 2022.

Main domains of expertise

Cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry of phosphoinositides

PhD student


PhD Student

Maxime Borret works on the role of blood platelets in metabolic diseases in integrated models of pathologies in vivo and in cellular models in vitro.

Career path

Diploma in Agronomy from the Institut Agro de Rennes, formerly ENSAR (2020), M2R Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Rennes 1 (2020).

Main domains of expertise

Integrated physiopathology, molecular and cellular biology, histology

PhD student

Oportune KPOTOR

PhD Student

Oportune KPOTOR thesis project focuses on the involvement of MTM1, its products and substrates in beta 1 integrin trafficking and signaling in the context of X-linked myotubular myopathy ( XLMTM).

Career path

Master’s degree in Biology and Health – Pharmacological Innovation obtained in 2022 at the University of Paul Sabatier Toulouse III.

Main domains of expertise

Cell biology, molecular biology, signaling and cell trafficking.

Ingeneer assistant



Christophe FERREIRA




Anthony has expertise in Biochemestry and molecular biology. After several research projects in publics institutes or privates compagnies, he joined our team in 2024 for developping Newpi project. This project aim to identify and characterize phosphoinositids partners.

Main domain of expertises

Protéine biochestry, molecular biology, cellular biologie, FACS


Ingineer assistant

Mathilde MIQUEL

Ingineer assistant

Project: Roles of OMV HlyF in platelet function modulation and consequences for hemolytic uremic syndrome.

Career: Master’s degree in Biology-Health, Digestive Health and Nutrition in 2023.

Areas of expertise: Histology, metabolism, pathophysiology, animal experimentation

Phosphoinositide metabolism in cell fate and diseases

Coordinators : Julien VIAUD, Bernard PAYRASTRE

Our projects aim to investigate how phosphoinositide signaling regulates important cellular processes such as membrane and cytoskeleton dynamics. We develop bench to bedside strategies to model pathological contexts linked to defects in phosphoinositide metabolism particularly in megakaryocytes, platelets and muscle cells.

Platelet biology and its integrative function in organ physiology and pathology


Coordinators : Sonia SEVERIN, Marie-Pierre GRATACAP, Bernard PAYRASTRE

Our projects aim to investigate how platelets dialogue with immune cells and with the endothelium to regulate organ functions in normal and pathological contexts. We use cell biology, biochemistry and disease mouse models to investigate the role of platelets in metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and thromboinflammation.

Platelet Signaling in clinical and translational research


Coordinators : Bernard PAYRASTRE, Agnès RIBES, Fanny VARDON-BOUNES, Sophie VOISIN

Our projects aim to establish translational research in close interaction with the National Reference Center of Platelet Pathologies (CRPP) and clinical departments to investigate the molecular basis of acquired and genetic platelet pathologies. We use bench to bedside approaches to implement diagnostic methods, characterize new platelet pathologies and to improve patient care.

Selected publications

MTM1-mediated production of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate fuels the formation of podosome-like protrusions regulating myoblast fusion. Mansat M, Kpotor AO, Chicanne G, Picot M, Mazars A, Flores-Flores R, Payrastre B, Hnia K, and Viaud J. PNAS. 2024. Pubmed

Impedance-based sensors discriminate among different types of blood thrombi with very high specificity and sensitivity.
Messina P, Garcia C, Rambeau J, Darcourt J, Balland R, Carreel B, Cottance M, Gusarova E, Lafaurie-Janvore J, Lebedev G, Bozsak F, Barakat AI, Payrastre B, Cognard C. J Neurointerv Surg. 2022. Pubmed

PIKfyve-Dependent Phosphoinositide Dynamics in Megakaryocyte/Platelet Granule Integrity and Platelet Functions. Caux M, Mansour R, Xuereb JM, Chicanne G, Viaud J, Vauclard A, Boal F, Payrastre B, Tronchère H, Severin S. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2022. Pubmed

Platelet activation and partial desensitization are associated with viral xenophagy in patients with severe COVID-19.
Garcia C, Au Duong J, Poëtte M, Ribes A, Payre B, Mémier V, Sié P, Minville V, Voisin S, Payrastre B, Vardon-Bounes F. Blood Adv. 2022. Pubmed

PI3KC2β inactivation stabilizes VE-cadherin junctions and preserves vascular integrity. 
Anquetyl T, Solinhac R, Jaffre A, Chicanne G, Viaud J, Darcourt J, Orset C, Göb E, Kleinschnitz C, Vanhaesebroeck B, Vivien D, Hnia K, Larrue V, Payrastre B, Gratacap MP
. EMBO Reports 2021. Pubmed

Adipocyte fatty acid transfer supports megakaryocyte maturation.
Valet C, Batut A, Vauclard A, Dortignac A, Bellio M, Payrastre B, Valet P, Severin S
. Cell Reports 2020. Pubmed

Catalytic dysregulation of SHP2 leading to Noonan syndromes impacts on platelet signaling and functions. 
Bellio M, Garcia C, Edouard T, Voisin S, Neel B, Cabou C, Valet P, Mori J, Mazharian A, Senis Y, Yart A, Payrastre B, Severin S. 
Blood 2019. Pubmed


Équipe Bernard Payrastre

logotype i2mc
logotype i2mc

Inserm/UPS UMR 1297 - I2MC Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires

1 avenue Jean Poulhès - BP 84225 - 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4

Tél. : 05 61 32 56 00




Du lundi au vendredi
8h30 - 12h30 / 13h45 -16h45