Publication d’un article de l’équipe MetaDiab (C. Moro) dans Science Advances
Carper et al. here demonstrates that reduced atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) signaling in skeletal muscle induces prediabetes and low endurance capacity. The study shows a link between the ANP and its receptor with various metabolic traits in humans. The work may guide future clinical therapies.
Reference :

Carper D, Lac M, Coue M, Labour A, Märtens A, Banda JAA, Mazeyrie L, Mechta M, Ingerslev LR, Elhadad M, Petit JV, Maslo C, Monbrun L, Del Carmine P, Sainte-Marie Y, Bourlier V, Laurens C, Mithieux G, Joanisse DR, Coudray C, Feillet-Coudray C, Montastier E, Viguerie N, Tavernier G, Waldenberger M, Peters A, Wang-Sattler R, Adamski J, Suhre K, Gieger C, Kastenmüller G, Illig T, Lichtinghagen R, Seissler J, Mounier R, Hiller K, Jordan J, Barrès R, Kuhn M, Pesta D, Moro C. Loss of atrial natriuretic peptide signaling causes insulin resistance, mitochondrial dysfunction, and low endurance capacity. Sci Adv. 2024 Oct
11;10(41):eadl4374. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adl4374. Epub 2024 Oct 9. PMID:39383215.
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