Faculty investigator

Short description of positions held or career path

Clement is a pediatric cardiologist. He received his Master degree in Biology option heart and circulation from the Paris Diderot University in 2015. He joined our team in 2015 as a master student, now finishing his thesis in the field of heart diseases.

Main domain of expertise: Pediatric cardiology, Cardiac postnatal development, Congenital heart defect, Heart failure, Animal experimentation.


Short description of positions held or career path 

Clément est cardiopédiatre. Il a validé son master de biologie option cardiovasculaire à l'université Paris Diderot en 2015. Il a rejoint l'équipe en 2015 comme étudiant en master et maintenant en fin de thèse dans le domaine des pathologies cardiaques.

Principaux domaines d’intérêt :  cardiopédiatrie, développement cardiaque postnatal, cardiopathie congénitale, insuffisance cardiaque, expérimentation animale.